
Full publications in Google Scholar


  1. Vertex-reinforced Random Walk for Network Embedding.
    Wenyi Xiao, Huan Zhao, Haojie Pan, Yangqiu Song, Vincent W. Zheng.
    In Proc. of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM ’20), 2020.
  2. Alpha-Beta Sampling for Pairwise Ranking in One-Class Collaborative Filtering.
    Mingyue Cheng, Runlong Yu, Qi Liu, Vincent W. Zheng, Hongke Zhao, Hefu Zhang, Enhong Chen.
    In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM ’19), Pages 1000-1005, Beijing China, Nov 8 – 11, 2019
  3. Beyond Personalization: Social Content Recommendation for Creator Equality and Consumer Satisfaction.
    Wenyi Xiao, Huan Zhao, Haojie Pan, Yangqiu Song, Vincent W. Zheng, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’19), Anchorage, Alaska,  USA, August 4 – 8, 2019.
  4. Hidden POI Ranking with Spatial Crowdsourcing.
    Yue Cui, Kai Zheng, Yan Zhao, Liwei Deng, Vincent W. Zheng, Bin Yao.
    In Proc. of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’19), Anchorage, Alaska,  USA, August 4 – 8, 2019.
  5. Explainable Fashion Recommendation: A Semantic Attribute Region Guided Approach.
    Min Hou, Le Wu, Enhong Chen, Zhi Li, Vincent W. Zheng, Qi Liu.
    In Proc. of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’19), August 10-16, 2019, Macao, China.
  6. Heterogeneous Embedding Propagation for Large-scale E-Commerce User Alignment.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Mo Sha, Yuchen Li, Hongxia Yang, Yuan Fang, Zhenjie Zhang, Kian-Lee Tan, Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    In Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM ’18), Singapore, 17-20 November, 2018.
  7. Prerequisite-Driven Deep Knowledge Tracing.
    Penghe Chen, Yu Lu, Vincent W. Zheng, Yang Bian.
    In Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM ’18), Singapore, 17-20 November, 2018.
  8. Deep Transfer Learning for Cross-domain Activity Recognition.
    Jindong Wang, Vincent W. Zheng, Yiqiang Chen, Meiyu Huang.
    In Proc. of The 3rd International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (ICCSE ’18), Singapore, 28-31 July 2018.  (Best Paper)
  9. Node, Motif and Subgraph: Leveraging Network Functional Blocks Through Structural Convolution.
    Carl Yang, Mengxiong Liu, Vincent W. Zheng, Jiawei Han.
    In Proc. of The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM ’18), Barcelona, Spain, 28-31 August, 2018.
  10. Engineering Graph Features via Network Functional Blocks.
    Vincent W.  Zheng.
    In Proc. of The 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’18), joint with the the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (Early Career Spotlight)
  11. Unsupervised Multi-view Nonlinear Graph Embedding.
    Jiaming Huang, Zhao Li, Vincent W. Zheng, Wen Wen, Yifan Yang, Yuanmi Chen.
    In Proc. of The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI ’18), Monterey, California, USA, August 2018.
  12. Interactive Paths Embedding for Semantic Proximity Search on Heterogeneous Graphs.
    Zemin Liu, Vincent W. Zheng, Zhou Zhao, Zhao Li, Hongxia Yang, Minghui Wu, Jing Ying.
    In Proc. of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’18), London, United Kingdom, 19 – 23 AUGUST, 2018.
    [Paper] [Code]
  13. High-order Proximity Preserving Information Network Hashing.
    Defu Lian, Kai Zheng, Vincent W. Zheng, Yong Ge, Longbing Cao, Ivor W. Tsang, Xing Xie.
    In Proc. of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’18), London, United Kingdom, 19 – 23 AUGUST, 2018.
  14. Robust Asymmetric Recommendation via Min-Max Optimization.
    Peng Yang, Peilin Zhao, Vincent W. Zheng, Lizhong Ding and Xin Gao.
    In Proc. of The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’18), Ann Arbor Michigan, U.S.A. July 8-12, 2018
  15. Subgraph-augmented Path Embedding for Semantic User Search on Heterogeneous Social Network.
    Zemin Liu, Vincent W. Zheng, Zhou Zhao, Hongxia Yang, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Minghui Wu, Jing Ying.
    In Proc. of The Web Conference (WWW ’18), Lyon, France, April 23-27, 2018.
    [Paper] [Code]
  16. Distance-aware DAG Embedding for Proximity Search on Heterogeneous Graphs.
    Zemin Liu, Vincent W. Zheng, Zhou Zhao, Fanwei Zhu, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Minghui Wu, Jing Ying.
    In Proc. of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’18), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2018.
    [Paper] [Code]
  17. CityTransfer: Transferring Inter- and Intra-City Knowledge for Chain Store Site Recommendation based on Multi-Source Urban Data.
    Bin Guo, Jing Li, Vincent W. Zheng, Zhu Wang, Zhiwen Yu.
    In Proc. of The 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp ’18), Singapore, 2018.
  18. Topological Recurrent Neural Network for Diffusion Prediction.
    Jia Wang, Vincent W. Zheng, Zemin Liu, Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    In Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM ’17), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2017.
  19. Learning Community Embedding with Community Detection and Node Embedding on Graphs.
    Sandro Cavallari, Vincent W. Zheng, Hongyun Cai, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Erik Cambria.
    In Proc. of The 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’17), Singapore, 2017.
    [PDF] [Code]
  20. A Simple Regularization-based Algorithm for Learning Cross-Domain Word Embeddings.
    Wei Yang, Wei Lu, Vincent W. Zheng.
    In Proc. of The Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP ’17), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2017.
  21. Link Prediction via Ranking Metric Dual-Level Attention Network Learning.
    Zhou Zhao, Ben Gao, Vincent W. Zheng, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Yueting Zhuang.
    In Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’17). Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
  22. Semantic Proximity Search on Heterogeneous Graph by Proximity Embedding.
    Zemin Liu, Vincent W. Zheng, Zhou Zhao, Fanwei Zhu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Minghui Wu, Jing Ying.
    In Proc. of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’17). San Francisco, California, USA, 2017.
    [PDF] [Code]
  23. Community-based Question Answering via Asymmetric Multi-Faceted Ranking Network Learning.
    Zhou Zhao, Hanqing Lu, Vincent W. Zheng, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Yueting Zhuang.
    In Proc. of the 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’17). San Francisco, California, USA, 2017.
  24. Regularizing Structured Classifier with Conditional Probabilistic Constraints for Semi-supervised Learning.
    Vincent W. Zheng and Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    In Proc. of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM ’16). Indianapolis, USA, 2016.
    [PDF] [Data & Code]
  25. Learning to Query: Focused Web Page Harvesting for Entity Aspects.
    Yuan Fang, Vincent W. Zheng, Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    In Proc. of the IEEE 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE ’16). Helsinki, Finland, 2016.
  26. Semantic Proximity Search on Graphs with Metagraph-based Learning.
    Yuan Fang, Wenqing Lin, Vincent W. Zheng, Min Wu, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Xiao-Li Li.
    In Proc. of the IEEE 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE ’16). Helsinki, Finland, 2016.
    [PDF] [Data & Code]
  27. Cold-Start Heterogeneous-Device Wireless Localization.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Hong Cao, Shenghua Gao, Aditi Adhikari, Miao Lin, Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    In Proc. of the 30th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’16). Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2016.
  28. An Aggressive Graph-based Selective Sampling Algorithm for Classification.
    Peng Yang, Peilin Zhao, Vincent W. Zheng, Xiao-Li Li.
    In Proc. of IEEE International Conference of Data Mining (ICDM ’15), 2015.
  29. Mobility Profiling for User Verification with Anonymized Location Data.
    Miao Lin, Hong Cao, Vincent W. Zheng, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Shonali Krishnaswamy.
    In Proc. of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’15), 2015.
  30. Mobile User Verification/Identification using Statistical Mobility Profile.
    Miao Lin, Hong Cao, Vincent W. Zheng, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Shonali Krishnaswamy.
    In International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp ’15), 2015.
  31. Covariate Shift in Hilbert Space: A Solution via Surrogate Kernels.
    Kai Zhang, Vincent W. Zheng, Qiaojun Wang, James T. Kwok, Qiang Yang, Ivan Marsic.
    In Proc. of the 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML ’13). Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2013.
    [PDF] [Data1Data2Data3] [Code]
  32. User-dependent Aspect Model for Collaborative Activity Recognition.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 22nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’11). Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, July 16-22, 2011.
  33. Collaborative Filtering Meets Mobile Recommendation: A User-centered Approach.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Bin Cao, Yu Zheng, Xing Xie, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’10). Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11-15, 2010.
    [PDF] [Data] [Code]
  34. Collaborative Location and Activity Recommendations with GPS History Data.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Yu Zheng, Xing Xie, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW ’10). Raleigh, NC, USA, April 26-30, 2010.
    [PDF] [Data]
  35. Indoor Localization in Multi-Floor Environments with Reduced Effort.
    Huayan Wang, Vincent W. Zheng, Junhui Zhao, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 8th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom ’10), Mannheim, Germany, March 30-April 2, 2010.
  36. Cross-Domain Activity Recognition.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Derek H. Hu, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 11th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp ’09), pages 61-70. Orlando, Florida, USA, Sept. 30-Oct. 3, 2009.
  37. Abnormal Activity Recognition based on HDP-HMM Models.
    Derek H. Hu, Xian-Xing Zhang, Jie Yin, Vincent W. Zheng, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI ’09), pages 1715-1720, Pasadena, CA, USA, July, 2009.
  38. Real World Activity Recognition with Multiple Goals.
    Derek H. Hu, Sinno J. Pan, Vincent W. Zheng, Nathan N. Liu, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 10th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp ’08), pages 30-39, Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 2008.
  39. Transferring Localization Models Over Time.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Evan W. Xiang, Qiang Yang, Dou Shen.
    In Proc. of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’08), pages 1421-1426, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 2008.
    [PDF] [Data] [Code]
  40. Transferring Multi-device Localization Models using Latent Multi-task Learning. 
    Vincent W. Zheng, Sinno J. Pan, Qiang Yang, Jeffrey J. Pan.
    In Proc. of the 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI ’08), pages 1427-1432, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 2008.
    [PDF] [Data] [Code]
  41. Domain-Constrained Semi-Supervised Mining of Tracking Models in Sensor Networks.
    Rong Pan, Junhui Zhao, Vincent W. Zheng, Jeffrey J. Pan, Dou Shen, Sinno J. Pan, Qiang Yang.
    In Proc. of the 13th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’07), pages 1023-1027, San Jose, CA, USA, Aug 12-15, 2007.
  42. A Joint Power Control, Link Scheduling and Rate Control Algorithm for Wireless Ad hoc Networks.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Xinming Zhang, Daoke Liu, Dan Keun Sung.
    In Proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications Networking Conference (WCNC ’07), pages 3636-3640, Hong Kong, March 2007.


  1. Active Learning for Graph Embedding.
    Hongyun Cai, Vincent W. Zheng, Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    Technical report. In arXiv:1705.05085 [cs.LG], 2017.
  2. From Community Detection to Community Profiling.
    Hongyun Cai, Vincent W. Zheng, Fanwei Zhu, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Zi Huang.
    Technical report. In arXiv:1701.04528 [cs.SI], 2017.
  3. From Node Embedding To Community Embedding.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Sandro Cavallari, Hongyun Cai, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Erik Cambria.
    Technical report. In arXiv:1610.09950 [cs.SI], 2016.


  1. Electricity Theft Pinpointing through Correlation Analysis of Master and Individual Meter Readings.
    Partha P Biswas, Hongyun Cai, Bin Zhou, Binbin Chen, Daisuke Mashima, Vincent W. Zheng.
    In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020.
  2. Modeling Marked Temporal Point Process Using Multi-relation Structure RNN.
    Hongyun Cai, Thanh Tung Nguyen, Yan Li, Vincent W. Zheng, Binbin Chen, Gao Cong, Xiao-Li Li.
    In Cognitive Computation (COGN ’19), 2019.
  3. Metagraph-based Learning on Heterogeneous Graphs.
    Yuan Fang, Wenqing Lin, Vincent W. Zheng, Min Wu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Xiao-Li Li.
    In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE ’19),  2019.
  4. Embedding Finite and Infinite Communities on Graphs.
    Sandro Cavallari, Vincent W. Zheng, Hongyun Cai, Kevin C.-C. Chang, Erik Cambria.
    In IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (CIM ’19), 2019.
  5. A Survey of Zero-Shot Learning: Settings, Methods, and Applications. Wei Wang, Vincent W. Zheng, Han Yu, Chunyan Miao.
    ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST ’19) 10 (2), 13 1 2019.
  6. Harnessing the Power of the General Public for Crowdsourced Business Intelligence: A Survey.
    Bin Guo, Yan Liu, Yi Ouyang, Vincent W. Zheng, Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu.
    IEEE Access 2019, 7, 26606-26630.
  7. A Comprehensive Survey of Graph Embedding: Problems, Techniques and Applications.
    Hongyun Cai, Vincent W. Zheng, Kevin C.-C. Chang.
    In IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE ’18), Vol. 30, Issue 9, page 1616 – 1637, Sept. 2018.
  8. From Community Detection to Community Profiling.
    Hongyun Cai, Vincent W. Zheng, Fanwei Zhu, Kevin C. Chang, Zi Huang.
    In The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB ’17), Vol. 10, Issue 7, 2017.
    [PDF] [Technical Report] [Code]
  9. Detecting signals of detrimental prescribing cascades from social media.
    Tao Hoang, Jixue Liu, Nicole Pratt, Vincent W. Zheng, Kevin C. Chang, Elizabeth Roughead, Jiuyong Li.
    In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM ’16), 2016.
  10. CEPR: A Collaborative Exploration and Periodically Returning Model for Location Prediction.
    Defu Lian, Xing Xie, Vincent W. Zheng, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Fuzheng Zhang, Enhong Chen.
    In ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST ’14), 2014.
  11. Modeling User Activity Preference by Leveraging User Spatial Temporal Characteristics in LBSNs.
    Dingqi Yang, Daqing Zhang, Vincent W. Zheng, Zhiyong Yu.
    In IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC-S ’14), 2014.
  12. Towards mobile intelligence: Learning from GPS history data for collabortive recommendation.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Yu Zheng, Xing Xie, and Qiang Yang.
    In Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ ’12), 184-185 (2012), Pages 17-37, 2012.
  13. Cross-Domain Activity Recognition via Transfer Learning.
    Derek H. Hu, Vincent W. Zheng, and Qiang Yang.
    In Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (PMC ’11), vol. 7, no. 3, pages 344-358, June 2011.
  14. Transfer Learning by Reusing Structured Knowledge.
    Qiang Yang, Vincent W. Zheng, Bin Li, and Hankz H. Zhuo.
    In AI Magazine, vol. 32, no. 2, pages 95-106, 2011.

System Paper:

  1. An Automatic Knowledge Graph Construction System for K-12 Education.
    Penghe Chen, Yu Lu, Vincent W. Zheng, Xiyang Chen, Xiaoqing Li.
    In Proc. of the Fifth Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S ’18), London, United Kingdom, June 26–28, 2018.
  2. KnowEdu: A System to Construct Knowledge Graph for Education.
    Yu Lu, Penghe Chen, Vincent W. Zheng, Xiyang Chen, Boda Yang.
    In IEEE Access, 2018.
  3. SocialLens: Searching and Browsing Communities by Content and Interaction.
    Hongyun Cai, Vincent W. Zheng, Penghe Chen, Fanwei Zhu, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Zi Huang.
    In ICDE ’17 Demo Track, San Diego, CA, USA, April 2017.
    [PDF] [SocialLens System] [Demo]
  4. ARISE-PIE: A People Information Integration Engine over the Web.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Tao Hoang, Penghe Chen, Yuan Fang, Xiaoyan Yang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang.
    In CIKM ’16 Workshop on Data-Driven Talent Acquisition, Indianapolis, USA, Oct 2016.
    [PDF] [ARISE System] [Demo]
  5. IntelligShop: Enabling Intelligent Shopping in Malls through Location-based Augmented Reality.
    Aditi Adhikari, Vincent W. Zheng, Hong Cao, Miao Lin, Yuan Fang and Kevin C. Chang.
    In ICDM ’15 Demo Track, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Nov 2015.
    [PDF] [Demo]


  1. Adam Revisited: A Weighted Past Gradients Perspective.
    Hui Zhong, Zaiyi Chen, Chuan Qin, Zai Huang, Vincent W. Zheng, Tong Xu, Enhong Chen.
    In Frontiers of Computer Science, Volume 14, Issue 5, Pages 1-16.
  2. An Attention-Based Model for Learning Dynamic Interaction Networks.
    Sandro Cavallari, Vincent W. Zheng, Hongyun Cai, Soujanya Poria and Erik Cambria.
    In Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN ’19), Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019.
  3. Adaptive Attention Network for Review Sentiment Classification.
    Chuantao Zong, Wenfeng Feng, Vincent W. Zheng, and Hankz Hankui Zhuo.
    In Proc. of the 22nd Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD ’18), Melbourne, Australia, June, 2018.
  4. Sequential Context Modelling for Smart Devices by Collaborative Hidden Markov Model.
    Miao Lin, Vincent W. Zheng, and Shili Xiang.
    In Proc. of the IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT ’18), Singapore, February 2018.
  5. Enhancing Anomaly Diagnosis of Automatic Train Supervision System Based onOperation Log.
    Yan Li, Binbin Chen, Vincent W. Zheng, William Temple, ZbigniewKalbarczyk and Yue Wu.
    In Proc. of The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN ’17), Industry Track, 2017.
  6. Learning Word Vectors in Deep Walk using Convolution.
    Iti Chaturvedi, Sandro Cavallari, Erik Cambria, Vincent W. Zheng.
    In Proc. of the 30th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS ’17), Marco Island, May 2017.
  7. Collaborative Filtering Meets Next Check-in Location Prediction.
    Defu Lian, Vincent W. Zheng and Xing Xie.
    In WWW ’13 Poster Track. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2013.
  8. Next Place Prediction by Learning with Multiple Models.
    Zhongqi Lu, Yin Zhu, Vincent W. Zheng, and Qiang Yang.
    In Pervasive ’12 Workshop on Nokia Mobile Data Challenge, Newcastle, June 2012. Fourth Place in Next Place Prediction Task.
  9. Joint Learning User’s Activities and Profiles from GPS Data. 
    Vincent W. Zheng, Yu Zheng and Qiang Yang.
    In ACM GIS ’09 Workshop on Location-based Social Networking Services, pages 17-20, Seattle, USA, Nov. 2009.
  10. HIPS: A Calibration-less Hybrid Indoor Positioning System Using Heterogeneous Sensors. 
    Vincent W. Zheng, Junhui Zhao, Yongcai Wang and Qiang Yang.
    In PerCom ’09 Workshop on Intelligent Pervasive Devices, pages 1-6, Galveston, Texas, USA, March 2009.
  11. Transfer Learning for WiFi-based Indoor Localization.
    Sinno J. Pan, Vincent W. Zheng, Qiang Yang and Derek H. Hu.
    In AAAI ’08 Workshop on Transfer Learning for Complex Task. Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 2008.

Book Chapters:

  1. Mobile Augmented Reality to Enable Intelligent Mall Shopping by Network Data.
    Vincent W. Zheng and Hong Cao.
    In Big Data and Computational Intelligence in Networking, Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press, 2017.
  2. Activity Recognition from Trajectory Data.
    Yin Zhu, Vincent W. Zheng and Qiang Yang.
    In Computing with Spatial Trajectories. Yu Zheng and Xiaofang Zhou (eds.), Chapter 6, Springer Press, Nov. 2011.
  3. Transfer Learning and Its Application for WiFi Localization Problems.
    Sinno J. Pan, Vincent W. Zheng and Qiang Yang.
    In Machine Learning and Applications. Zhi-Hua Zhou and Jue Wang (eds.), Chapter 3, Tsinghua University Press, 2009.


  1. Learning with Limited Data in Sensor-based Human Behavior Recognition.
    Vincent W. Zheng, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Aug. 2011.

Patents and Technical Disclosures:

  1. Subgraph-augmented Path Embedding for Semantic User Search on Heterogeneous Social Network.
    Provisional Patent, USA, 2018.
  2. Ontology-Driven Alarm Prediction for Automatic Train Supervision in Metro System.
    Provisional Patent, Singapore, 2018.
  3. Context-Aware Diagnosis Tool for Automatic Train Supervision in Metro System.
    Technical disclosure filed by A*STAR Singapore 2017.
  4. ADSC ARISE Entity Integration Engine.
    Technical disclosure filed by A*STAR Singapore 2015. Licensed to Singapore companies.
  5. ADSC ARISE Review Crawler Software.
    Technical disclosure filed by A*STAR Singapore 2014. Licensed to Singapore companies.
  6. Collaborative Location and Activity Recommendations
    US Patent. MS329247.01, MS1-4950US, 2010.